How Strange It Is

Recently I have been in a stupor of sorts. Enchanted by life and the roads it takes me on, yet also suspect of what may await at the ends of these roads.

Sometimes the long-awaited end is exquisite, but often times it is anything but. Funnily enough, I find myself at the end of a road, experiencing anything but exquisiteness. I’m forever locked in a battle between my mind and my heart, as the two seldom agree on anything. As a raging Aries, it is my duty to reveal that my heart often wins. Strange thing, the heart; it is blamed for many disasters by the scorned, responsible for many ill-advised decisions by the foolish, and is the beneficiary of many compliments from the loved.

Strange as it may sound, I was most aware of and felt my heart the most as it was breaking. How I was so oblivious to it as it beat inside my chest for decades is beyond me. However, I must remark that there is nothing exquisite about heartbreak save perhaps a peculiar dejected beauty.

The beauty of heartbreak is that – like all things – it eventually comes to an end. Eventually you forget, eventually you get up, and eventually you move on. Eventually you’re not as blinded, and eventually things make sense again. Eventually the mind will tempt the heart into another battle,  eventually the heart will leave behind its desolation, and eventually the heart will win again.

Waiting for eventually,


P.S. “While I’m writing, I’m far away; and when I come back, I’ve gone.” – Pablo Neruda.

Is he not the finest of poets?


  1. Thank you for sharing, Noor, and for doing so with such heartfelt eloquence. I hope you don’t have to wait too long.
    And yes, he is.

    1. Thank you, I hope I don’t have to wait too long either.

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